Connecting Ayurveda and Yoga To Create The Ideal Practice
Like peas in a pod, Ayurveda and Yoga are distinct disciplines but come from the same source. They are both rooted in Vedic wisdom, which is a 5,000-year-old body of […]
Relieve tension anytime and anyplace
The following is a method for deep relaxation and tension relief. It is essentially a method in which you intentionally alternate between tensing a muscle group for about 5 seconds, […]
Four steps to releasing obstacles and embracing change
Change brings uncertainty, and that can be daunting. When something new happens, our brain is hardwired to react nervously when out of the comfort zone of having prior knowledge and […]
Yoga nidra: a self-healing technique
Yoga Nidra is a simplified version of Tantric kriyas, or movements, designed by Swami Satyananda Saraswaty. It is, simply put, a state of dynamic sleep in which the mind is […]