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with Vaidya. Sheena Sooraj, BAMS

One of the main processes of healing the system is Ayurvedic cleansing, and it’s more relevant today than ever before due to the increase of water and air pollutants, food contamination, pesticides, and chemicals in our environment. Most of us are invigorated to clean up our act during the new year, but for those of us in the winter season, this is not an optimal time to cleanse. Additionally, many of the detox programs and trends out there today can be depleting and even damaging to our systems.

Whether you are new to Ayurveda or already familiar with it, this is an opportunity to learn more about spring cleansing and how you can incorporate it into your life. We’ll address the basics of cleansing safely and seasonally according to the ancient Ayurvedic principles. If done correctly, Ayurvedic cleansing during the springtime is a vital process for maintaining health and even preventing disease.


You’ll learn:

