
This application is for non-KAA students applying to the U.S. Clinical Internship or India Internship.


Please complete all fields of this application for our Admissions Department. After reviewing your application, our National Enrollment Adviser will be in touch to assist you through the rest of our application process.

Please note the required prerequisite for our clinical internship programs is as follows: student (on clinical topics) or graduate of an equivalent program to our level II – Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner certification program.

It is recommended that you do not complete this application until your level II program training documentation is ready for inclusion. We require a transcript or certificate of completion as proof of prerequisite and cannot consider your application until you have provided this documentation.

Application Form

First Name*
Last Name*
Leave blank if you live outside the U.S.
ProvinceLeave blank if you live in the U.S.
Certification Status*
Graduation Date (Past or Anticipated)*
Level II Program*
Please list level II Ayurvedic education details, including institution, program title, date of commencement and graduation date (if applicable).
Transcript or Certificate of Completion
Submit your current level II program transcript (minimum requirement) or certificate of completion (if applicable).

File(s) size limit is 20MB.

Additional Ayurvedic Training
Please list additional Ayurvedic education, training or workshops you have completed, including institution, program title and date.
Which session do you wish to join?*
Are there any questions we can answer for you?
How did you hear about us?
Please enter the characters
